Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Today I remember. I remember the loss of our first pregnancy....the baby who's due date was today. I remember the loss of our second pregnancy....the bleeding started on this this same day. I remember the worst date ever when both these horrible things converged into one big sesspool of a day.

I also remember that, although the road that brought me here sucked hard core, I am so blessed because of my little man Gray.

I remember all the little ones that those close to me have lost, and shed some tears for them today as well.

I remember also to be thankful for a great friend who remembers with me, who feels my pain again with me each time this date rolls around, and never forgets.

And I could never forget to remember to be thankful for my fabulous mom who remembers without me having to remind...and shows up at work today with flowers, a blueberry cake donut and some dunkin donuts coffee. may think your mom rocks. But mine kicks her tail in every way. :-)

I will never forget to remember.


Sunny said...

You know I love you and your little angels. You never forget either.


Amber said...

Love you. No more words...

RBandRC said...


jill b said...

Oh, how you made me cry...

Elle Charlie said...

That's a lovely post.

You do have a great mom.