Monday, December 10, 2007

What Dreams May Come

Last night I had a seriously disturbing dream. I went to the bathroom, did my business, and when I wiped there was my baby in my toilet paper - except it looked like a huge insect with bug wings and eyes and feathers. No I did not eat any special mushrooms last night with dinner and I have no idea where this came from. I'm sure I will have more dreams of wierd things to come...I wonder what other surprises in my sleep I have to look forward to.

Anyone a dream anaylzer out there? What the crap does this mean? Am I afraid I'm going to have an ugly baby or something? ha!


Angela said...

Now that tops my pregnancy dreams!! HA. I had a dream when I was pregnant with Savannah that I had given birth to a liter of puppies and one of my dreams with Sydney was as I got bigger her hand and sometimes her foot would keep falling out and I kept saying "no its not time for you to come out" and I would keep pushing her back in. Weird I know :)

Amber said...

I think the second trimester is a crazy dream phase. I have been having very vivid dreams of being chased (which is pretty funny considering bending over is already a chore) and being murdered. With the Pea I had dreams that she would talk to me like a Dr, and tell me which blood sugars worked best for her. I like that Lefty is a bug, but the rest would have made me wake up in a panic.

Angela said...

Amber..You made me laugh so hard LOL!! so funny

AwkwardMoments said...

I have had a few bizarre dreams myself .. Its amazing what our subconscious does while we are resting

In Search of Morning Sickness said...

Thanks for the comment... And yes, the scripture from Isaiah (along with ones form the Psalms have really been my heart's cry). I feel like I haven't been able to LIVE in that promise yet (I feel WEARY and FAINT and with no strength)... so I'm praying for that to be real. Thank you for the encouragement!

Anonymous said...

I once heard someone say that dreams are your subconscious' way of working out worries you have in real life. I dreamt that my sister-in-law and best friend were both gave birth to surprise quintuplets (they're both pregnant in real life, and I had this dream before I found out I was pregnant). I guess I was worried that I was never going to have a baby and everyone else was having a million of them!!

Katie said...

I usually have pregnancy dreams of the more. . .um, how to put this delicately? Ahem, sexual nature. So, at least you didn't have sex with the bug!

choose me. . . . love me said...

I just wanted to say I had some crazy vivid dreams too, usually about the baby coming to early. The dreams were so vivid they seemed real. I woke Flame up a couple times just to be sure!
Oh, and you are starting to look pregnant! You look great! Have you felt movement yet? If not, you will any day now! I think I did at 12 weeks.